every once




A. It's really cool because she comes up here every once in a while for her favourite scenes.


But every once in a while, there was still a patient convinced that he was sick, and he'd come back. And my dad had a third jar of pills.


Ken: I love Eliza, but it would be kind of nice to have tea with another girl every once in a while .


It's like a book that leaps off the shelf every once in a while and reminds you of the stuff you've highlighted.


We're crawling along the bottom and every once in a while we come up for air.


You know, I'm a little worried though you know, you can't buy love, but I think it doesn't hurt to show that you care every once in a while.


So every once in a while, turn off your phone and laptop, switch off the TV and lay your worries temporarily to the side.


"I know what you mean, " she said. "It happens to me, too, every once in a while. "


You have to let your hair down every once in a while. You know, live a little!


I still fall into that trap every once in a while and I have to force myself to sit down and pound out a few pages of a short story.


Every once in a while, Dr. Balcombe seems to drift a little too close to anthropomorphic supposition.


Every once in a while you've got to be holding all the cards.


"Every once in a while, " Rich says, "she'd reach out with her arm . . . smile and nod . . . and then go back to pulling weeds. "


We're talking about a 16-week course, and of course, every once in a while, you know, you get a little surprise test based on their acuity.


Every once in a while, like magic, a bit of extra money would appear.


Every once in a trance when will recall the circumstances of the past, seems to think of the joy of sadness.


Offer up a little bit of yourself every once and awhile. Just tell somebody something you're not completely certain you want them to know.


He said the bill reflects a non-issue that nonetheless comes up every once in a while.


There are long days on our job, and every once in awhile I miss putting her to bed and giving her a bath, and all of that.


"Sorry about my mom, " she says. "That was an attempt at playing grown up. Every once in a while she tries to act like a real parent. "


"It used to happen every once in a while at the Haunted Mansion, but now it's happening more, " he said.



Sure a few people's heads got to get cracked every once in a while, to keep the peace, that's just the way it is.


Now, I have the quiet I need to perform and a nice window to look out of every once in a while.


Every once and a while we suffer too much, even today we lacked a bit of continuity.


Every once in a while you can see stuff in Paul's letters that looks a bit like what you'll see in say philosophy, stoicism perhaps.


However, every once in a while, you work on a project where you probably think to yourself, "Why am I doing all this work? "


Carol: I just wish, that every once in a while , it would be nice to thought of as. . . dangerous.


"I check it every once in a while, " Raj said, "to see if Obama's got any interesting mail. "
