1·A club that works by consensus and abhors sanctions has only moral suasion.
2·Intead of accepting his critique and suasion, others will rebuke and attack him in return.
3·This kind of moral suasion does produce immediate results, and it may already be under way.
4·Awareness and education, using knowledge and moral suasion to change behaviour, is a third.
5·And now we must summon all of our might and moral suasion to meet the challenges of a new age.
6·But such attempts at moral suasion are not working, and those in authority seem reluctant to do more.
7·In his new book "Pre-Suasion," the psychologist Robert Cialdini defines the rule: "People say yes to those they owe."
心理学家Robert Cialdini在新书《提前的“说服”》中为此原理下了定义“因为拿人手短,所以无法拒绝。”
8·In some places, such as Britain, this is being done by moral suasion only; elsewhere, as in Italy, Banks may be forced to lend.
9·If moral suasion fails, Antigua says it might engage in a bit of music or software piracy, a form of retaliation permitted by WTO rules.
10·To stem the boom, the Fed attempted in vain to use moral suasion on the markets and restrain credit expansion only for “legitimate business.
为了阻止信用扩张的不断发酵,美联储妄图通过道德劝诫来说服市场,并试图将信贷扩张管束于“正当生意”(legitimate business)之中。