
上海外事商务咨询中心 2024-09-06 19:48:09

On August 26, China’s National Immigration Administration released a video outlining five methods for entering China.


The video features a foreign influencer from France who, upon landing at Shanghai Pudong International Airport, was unsure of how to proceed with the entry process. So what are some of the ways he's chosen?


The video provides details on the following five entry methods:


1. 24-Hour Visa-Free Transit: Travelers holding a connecting ticket to a third country or region and transiting through Shanghai for one day can take advantage of the 24-hour visa-free transit policy, allowing for a brief “one-day tour” in the city.

1. 24小时过境免签:持有前往第三国或地区的联程机票,在上海过境一天的旅客,可以利用24小时过境免签政策,进行短暂的“一日游”。

2. 144-Hour Visa-Free Transit: For those with a longer layover, a temporary entry permit can be obtained with a connecting ticket, allowing for a 144-hour visa-free stay. This option is available in the Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shanghai regions, and applies to citizens of 54 countries.

2. 144小时过境免签:对于那些有更长转机时间的旅客,可以凭借联程机票获得临时入境许可,享受144小时的过境免签停留。这一选项在江苏、浙江和上海地区可用,适用于54个国家的公民。

3. Unilateral Visa Exemption: Starting from December 1, 2023, China has implemented a unilateral visa exemption policy for French passport holders. French citizens traveling to China for business, tourism, family visits, or transit can enter visa-free for up to 15 days.

3. 单方面免签:从2023年12月1日起,中国对持有法国护照的公民实施了单方面免签政策。法国公民因商务、旅游、探亲或过境前往中国,可以免签入境,最长停留15天。

4. Port Visa: Foreign nationals who need to visit China for business, trade, family visits, or other reasons and are unable to obtain a visa from a Chinese consulate abroad can apply for a port visa upon arrival. This visa allows a stay of up to 30 days.

4. 口岸签证:需要因商务、贸易、探亲或其他原因访问中国,且无法在海外中国领事馆获得签证的外籍人士,可以在抵达时申请口岸签证。这种签证允许最长停留30天。

5. Five-Star Card: This option has no time restrictions, allowing travelers to stay in China for as long as they wish.  These options provide greater flexibility for foreigners planning to visit China, catering to a range of travel needs and durations.

5. 五星级酒店卡:这一选项没有时间限制,允许旅客在中国停留任意时长。这些选项为计划访问中国的外国人提供了更大的灵活性,满足了不同旅行需求和时长。

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