
文旅中国 2024-05-17 10:09:37

最近,中国各地步入夏季,气温上升,雨水渐多。Recently, as summer arrived in various parts of China, temperatures rose, and rainfall increased.

在5月10日的大雨过后,北京颐和园昆明湖雨后的天空上出现绝美晚霞。金光洒在颐和园昆明湖,湖面上波光粼粼,倒映着夕阳日落。晚霞与佛香阁同框,整个颐和园被夕阳金色的余晖笼罩,美丽动人。After heavy rain on May 10th, a beautiful sunset glow appeared in the sky above Kunming Lake in the Summer Palace, Beijing. The golden light sprinkled on Kunming Lake, and the ripples shimmered on the surface, reflecting the residual sunlight of the sunset. The sunset glow and the Tower of Buddhist Incense framed together, enveloping the entire Summer Palace in the golden glow of the setting sun, beautiful and moving.

天空刚刚洗去了阴霾,便迎来了一场史诗级震撼的火烧云。云彩如同被烈火点燃,天空被染成了一片绚烂的橙红色。那色彩犹如艺术家手中的调色盘,浓烈而又不失细腻,将整个颐和园笼罩在一种神秘而壮丽的氛围之中。The sky had just washed away the haze, welcoming an epic and stunning sunset glow. The clouds seemed to be ignited by a raging fire, turning the sky into a brilliant orange-red color. The colors were like a palette in the hands of an artist, intense yet delicate, shrouding the entire Summer Palace in a mysterious and magnificent atmosphere.

湖面倒映着天空的色彩,波光粼粼,仿佛一片燃烧的海洋。湖中的荷花在夕阳的余晖中显得更加娇艳欲滴,与天空中的火烧云交相辉映,构成了一幅绝美的画面。The colors reflected on the lake's surface, shimmering like a burning ocean. The lotus flowers in the lake appeared even more radiant in the residual sunlight, contrasting beautifully with the fiery clouds in the sky, creating a beautiful picture.


This is definitely the highest-quality sunset glow in Beijing in recent days!

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