1·An unvaried pall of cloud muffled the whole expanse of sky from zenith to horizon.
2·It is an improvement with comparison to the unvaried transistor voltage regulators.
3·Monotone refers to a sound, for example speech or music, that has a single unvaried tone.
4·So here, I chose to crop out most of the sky as it would just look unbalanced to have such an unvaried texture taking up a large portion of my image.
5·There should be no united timing records on timecards, i. e. , unvaried starting time and ending time for several consecutive days for the several employees.
6·The design and construction of urban administrative center is a hot issue nowadays, existing the deficiency such as the expanded scale, unvaried image and isolation from citizens.
7·The birds peck the berries or the corn, and fly away to the groves where they sit in seeming happiness on the branches, and waste their lives in tuning one unvaried series of sounds.
8·Second, general buildings are unvaried along with the standardization and industrialization of design, production and materials as well as the unvaried and toneless forms of buildings across China;
第二、一般建筑随着建筑设计、生产和用材的标准化、 产业化,大江南北建筑的形式一律化、单调化造就了“千城一面”;