1·But they represent for us a direction That the research lab I direct is trying to hid in.
2·And they represent for five Olympic rings and also the five elements in Chinese philosophy.
3·A Senator must be acitizen of the state they have been appointed to represent For atleast 15 years.
4·So I worked with them to develop something that really fit with what they wanted to represent for the district.
5·The women represent for Yeats a kind of self-destructive energy, and it's something he too, I think, is willing to share and enter into.
6·In 1928, and this is the next quotation on the handout, Milton has come to represent for Virginia Woolf a very different type of cultural force.
7·Those people are just minorities. They cannot represent for all women. For those people, pursuing a career's success is the highest purpose of their lives.
8·Recently, Luo Yufeng (Sister feng) posted a poster in the WOW with the title of "I dreamed of being hunted down by genies, which has aroused my interest to represent for WOW."
9·This white paper explains what Themes are, the market opportunity they represent for both developers and content distributors, tools for creating Themes, testing and verification requirements.
10·These proposals represent a realistic starting point for negotiation.
—— 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》