1·She was in the birth canal , and her head and ears were covered.
2·Short, smooth and sleek, solid color, in shades of mouse-gray to silver-gray, usually blending to lighter shades on the head and ears.
3·On the contrary, Zhou's tiger appears to be a typical South China tiger, with small head and ears, red-brown hairs in the back, rhombus-like strips in the trunk and slender tail.
4·His large ears protrude from the side of his head and he listens for the slightest sound.
5·The line should be continuously straight all around the head, behind the ears, at the hairline and on sideburns.
6·If you must put the phone to your head, make sure to switch ears regularly and keep the conversation as short as possible.
7·These shade and protect the top of the head, neck, ears and face.
8·Her eyes have moved from the sides of her head to the front of her face and her ears are standing out from the sides of her head.
9·As soon as she had tied it tightly over her ears and around her head, the noise of the city changed.
10·Quickly Lizette stuffed cotton in her ears; then, with the cloak over her head and looking mostly at her own feet, she followed the street through the city till she came to the north gate.