1·Coteaux Champenois is a wine AOC in Champagne Region in France.
香槟是法国香槟地区的 AOC 葡萄酒。
2·Vineyards lay in coteaux, meaning that they cover one side of the hills, the ones facing at the sea.
3·ABSTRACT: Coteaux Champenois is a wine AOC in Champagne Region in France. It covers the same area as sparkling Champagne production, but covers only still wines.
摘要: 说到法国的香槟产区,也许首先映入你脑海的是那些色泽怡人,口感细腻的优质起泡葡萄酒。实际上,该产区还出产一种静止葡萄酒,叫做香槟山丘。