1·Daheishan gold deposit is a fractured alteration type and quartz vein type gold deposit, hosted in the outer contact zone of Damiao granite.
2·The contact between fluids is usually gradual rather than sharp, forming a transition zone of mixed fluid.
3·The contact zone width of crane wheel with track is analyzed by plane stress elastic theory.
4·The contact zone between roller and workpiece and its contour's definition are the cruxes of establishing the FEM mechanical model.
5·All the members of the big family have summer cottages in the neighbourhood and close contact with the family was crucial, but there was also a need of a private zone.
6·The inner, outside contact zone between Himalayan ultra-epizonal syenite porphyry, Indosinian volcanic rocks of liparite porphyry-dacite series and strata is very advantageous to the metallogenesis.
7·In their combination, the property of the adjective activates a conceptual zone of the noun, thus profiling the contact points and the link itself.
8·The geologic environment was mostly resulted from the intrusion of magma which led to folding of the overlying volcanic series, the formation of the intrusive dome and the contact broken zone.
9·Cu-Pb-Zn ore bodies are located in outer contact zone of intermediately acidic granite(partially layered skarn) and the ore occurs as dissemination and fracture-filling.
10·The contact deposit is controlled by the contact zone, and shows typical features of skarn orebody.