workshop director

[劳经] 车间主任
[劳经] 车间主任


1·Dr Satheesh C. Shenoi, director, Indian National Centre for Ocean Infor-mation Services, speaking at a workshop on "Coasts, Coastal Populations and their Concerns" o.


2·"The people Isee are great dieters, beautiful dieters, " says Dr. Cheryle Hart, founder and medical director of the Wellness Workshop in Spokane, Wash."They can deny themselves, but only for so long.

“在我看来,人是伟大的节食者,美丽的节食者。” 华盛顿斯波坎健康讲习班创始人、医疗主任绮丽尔·哈特博士说,“他们能够克制自己,不过也就那么长时间。

3·After a few years, Jacob Mincer joined the Columbia department and became co-director of the workshop.


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5·It was a pleasure for us to have Deputy Director General Li and your good self to officiate at the Opening Ceremony and Closing Session of the workshop, respectively.


6·This workshop is co-organised with East Asian Institute (EAI), National University of Singapore (NUS), with Professor Zheng Yongnian, Director of EAI as the consultant.

