working specification



1·Whole-course sound recording makes all the student complaints under the control of the leaders, and normalize the working specification and working courtesy of the driving instructor and the staff.


2·The fundamental challenge of teams working collaboratively on any type of specification, regardless of whether it is a set of documents, a set of models, or a code base. is this: controlling change.


3·If you take the time to read the 400-plus page XSL-FO specification (see Resources), you may be surprised by the large number of formatting objects defined by the W3C Working Group.

如果您花时间阅读400多页的XSL - FO规范(请参阅参考资料),您也许会对W3C工作组定义的格式化对象数量之大感到惊讶。

4·The WSTF could begin such an effort long before the Working Group actually begins its own testing and well before the specification is complete.


5·In Figure 1-4, progress is measured by how complete the integrated, working release produced by the development team is, and not by the completeness of the specification or other documentation.

在图1 - 4中,项目进展以开发团队对完整的,可运行的发布版本的完成情况所度量,而不是采用对规范说明或其他文档的完成情况。

6·XML's popularity has spurred standards body working groups to expand the SQL specification to include XML processing functions.


7·The W3C has recently chartered a GRDDL working group to produce a recommended specification for GRDDL.


8·I have been working at this problem since 1997 and I have written in 2002, two articles (1, 2) which have been both referenced in the OMG BPMN 1.0 specification.

我从1997年就一直在这个问题上工作,在2002年我还写了两篇文章(1、2),它们都被OM G BPMN 1.0规范所引用。

9·The Atompub Working Group (within the IETF) agreed on the Atom 1.0 specification, and that it could be revised in the future.

Atompub 工作组(属于 IETF)就 Atom 1.0 规范达成一致意见,并在将来有可能重新修订。

10·The geolocation Working Group of the W3C has recently relased the first Working Draft of the geolocation API specification, and we are now releasing the first Labs build with support for the API.

W3C的地理位置工作组(geolocation Working Group)最近发布了geolocation API规范的首个工作草案,现在我们发布了支持该API的实验构建版。