1·A working draft; a working hypothesis.
2·The appearance of working hypothesis provided the impetus for these changes.
3·Now, let's take as a working hypothesis that men are in fact equidistributed all over this square.
4·The evidence which supports this is not sufficiently strong to allow us to consider it as anything more than a working hypothesis.
5·The point to emphasize here is that this is a model, a working hypothesis that must be rigorously tested by many additional measurements.
6·As attractive as this working hypothesis is, the attention it has received and its extensive testing by this group, it remains controversial.
7·Our calculations employ the largest of these figures, a tactic that lowers the estimated junk inflow for 1931-33 and thus tends to undercut the working hypothesis.
8·Its starting point and its working hypothesis are embodied in the conviction that the varied and seemingly dispersed rays may be gathered together and brought into a common focus.
9·Companies used to waste millions of dollars of VC money - and entrepreneurs used to waste years of their lives - working on a failed hypothesis.
10·That stress, and stress alone, is responsible for damaging the working memories of poor children thus looks like a strong hypothesis.