1·This "Work Horse" organization has been going strong since 1877.
自 1877 年以来,这个“役马”组织一直走强。
2·She has listened patiently to ancient denizens such as Robert Byrd (who advised her to be a “work horse not a show horse”).
3·The Work Horse has learned about Agile by trying to implement it on their own or as part of an Agile team with some help from others.
4·Over its long career in space, Discovery has been a real work horse says Valerie Neal, shuttle curator at the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum in Washington. "It's delivered satellites."
5·When the work was done, the fox clapped the horse on the shoulder, and said, "Jip!"
6·He's a quality horse and if you want him for cab (出租马车) work, he's a bargain.
7·Others live far from roads, tucked into the folds of mountains that can be a day's ride by horse to the nearest town. Cell phones do not work here; foot messengers bring news.
8·In 2011 he will work on those weaknesses, emerging as an attractive dark-horse candidate and (again) as a plausible running-mate for the eventual nominee.
9·IN GEORGE ORWELL’S “Animal Farm” the mighty cart-horse, Boxer, inspires the other animals with his heroic cry of “I will work harder”.
10·IN GEORGE ORWELL'S “Animal Farm” the mighty cart-horse, Boxer, inspires the other animals with his heroic cry of “I will work harder”.