1·We should proceed in an orderly way, advance step by step in our studies, and not reach for what is beyond our grasp.
2·Which is, so far we've looked at reactions that proceed all the way.
3·This proved to be a very efficient way to proceed; we were able to transfer process skills to their team, while they brought their subject expertise to our team.
4·If you recreated this universe starting with the Big Bang and let all events proceed exactly the same way until this same morning, then the blue shirt is as inevitable as the comb-over.
5·But even in rich parts of the world, it's not a sensible way to proceed.
6·Does the transition require that IT stops what it is doing, climb the ladder, and then proceed in the SOE way?
7·We must engage in thorough discussions in order to gain a better sense of the most appropriate and effective way to proceed with the project.
8·We must engage in thorough discussions in order to gain a better sence of the most appropriate and effective way to proceed with the project.
9·Once you reached the 6th floor, you were to lock yourself in, turn off the lights and proceed across the floor to the East stairwell, where you would lock those doors working your way down.
10·The only freedom that has any meaning is the freedom to proceed differently from the way your manager would have proceeded.