visit son



1·Excuse me. I am from China to visit my son.


2·Jack had invited me over to visit with him and Caroline, but my son, Dino, had fallen off a playground jungle gym or something.


3·The speculation comes just a month after Miss Bruni told a religious cleric during a state visit to India that she was 'praying for a son'.


4·Jack had invited me over to visit with him and Caroline, but my son, Dino, had fallen off a playground jungle gym or something, and his coat was spotted with blood.

杰克邀请我陪他和他的女儿卡洛琳一同前去探望。 我儿子迪诺当时刚从游乐场的立体方格铁架之类的地方摔了下来,他的外套上都是血渍。

5·I am married now and my husband, son and I went to visit my father over the holidays.


6·At Chinese New Year, when once he would go home to visit his son, Fang must stay behind because the restaurant is so busy.


7·They flew to Washington, D.C., from the West Coast and planned to rent a car to drive to Fort Bragg, N.C., to visit Gorham's son, an Army sergeant.


8·My son, Sam, and I were headed there, but we'd stopped to visit Craighead at his Missoula, Montana, home on our way out to paddle that river.


9·The Department of Corrections is allowing you a one-hour visit with your son.


10·His first accuser, Jordan Chandler, the son of a Beverly Hills dentist, was one of many children who were invited to visit Jackson’s Neverland Ranch.

他的第一指控人,比利佛山一位牙医的儿子乔丹.钱德勒,是曾被邀请去杰克逊名下梦幻庄园参观的许多儿童之一。 但是这个十岁的小男孩很快成了这位明星的“小宠物”。

更新时间:2025-03-24 05:51