1·The vent system composed of vent groove, vent plug and clearance of ejector pin can fit the need of venting.
2·In the design of offshore platform vent system, it is needed to calculate the CO2capacity for the fire putting out.
3·A zero-gravity thermodynamic vent system which is desirable to be used in a cryogenic propellant tank is briefly presented.
4·Michael moves through the ducts above the ceiling, crawling along on his belly, and peering below him through the air vent system.
5·The conical vent system shows significantly less distortion and lower air noise at low frequencies than common circular vent openings.
6·By using the kinetic model of hydrate precipitated in gas vent system, the fraction of venting gas precipitated hydrate was calculated.
7·Adopting the direct vent system could emit smoke to outdoor, you can save the cost of the installation of pipeline integrity of the chimney.
8·Aspen flare system Analyzer enables engineers to perform steady-state design, rating, or debottlenecking of single or multiple flare and vent systems.
9·The features of this type vent system are as follows:less requirement in equipment'reliability in control, simplicity in maintenance and management, high effectiveness.
10·In the event of a large rupture, the system would vent directly to the atmosphere.