1·But latelast month, the Rhode Island Public Utilities Commission rejected the deal as too expensive for ratepayers, who would bear the cost.
2·While the technologies exist, utilities are reluctant to build CCS power stations without public funding because the CCS component adds about 1 billion euros to the cost of each plant.
3·The SPM estimates the cost of food, clothing, shelter and utilities, then adds a further 20% for other expenses.
4·You could then mix and match them to test for different scenarios like cheap rent with a high cost of utilities, or low transportation costs with a credit card debt.
5·Highly automated conversion utilities enable it to migrate to EGL in a cost-effective, efficient manner, which greatly reduces risk and shortens the migration process.
6·Housing and utilities are unusually cheap here — Idaho's cost of living is very low compared to the state average nationally.
7·While the technologies exist, utilities are reluctant to build CCS power stations without public funding because the CCS component adds over $1 billion to the cost of each plant.
8·Party yB will bear the cost of utilities such as communications, water, electricity, gas, management fee etc. on time during the lease term.
9·How much does System Utilities Suite cost? What does it include?
10·Party yB will bear the cost of utilities such as communications, water, electricity, gas, management fee etc. on time during the lease term.