useful load



1·The useful load is the load which a car ready for use is able to carry without exceeding the maximum gross weight.


2·Typically the data collected without a reset is not very useful because the counters span a longer period of time, including drastically different workloads along peaks and valleys in load.


3·However, for many environments with high demand requirements, this price is worth paying because ODR improves load balancing, plus provides a multitude of other useful features.


4·This new functionality is a step in the direction of migrating a set of processes between hosts, which can be very useful for load balancing.


5·For database designs that require shredding some or all of the contents of XML data, invocation of this stored procedure can be particularly useful after a bulk load of XML or BLOB data.


6·If your application is experiencing unusually high memory load, frequent freezes or OOME, its often most useful to start by understanding just what kind of objects are present in memory.


7·The admins and developers can get a overview of what environment a node runs in, as well as useful snapshots of its state, allowing for an understanding of how the load is handled.


8·Although you can run the camera application on the N800 without shell access, I found it immensely useful to load a terminal program on the N800.


9·YSlow is a small, useful extension that can help you a lot in your efforts to make your pages load more quickly.


10·When additional granularity is desired, products such as WebSphere Studio Application Monitor, which was discussed above for load testing, are also useful in production environments.

如果需要其他粒度,上面讨论的关于负载测试的WebSphere Studio Application Monitor产品,在生产环境中也是非常有用的。

