1·Underlying asset is a term used in derivatives trading, such as with options.
2·Currency rate fluctuations can adversely affect the underlying asset value, also affecting the ETF price.
3·The pricing and performance of derivatives such as futures, options and swaps is largely based on the underlying asset.
诸如期货、 期权以及 互换等衍生工具的价格及走势很大程度上受 标的 资产的表现影响。
4·Currency rate fluctuations can adversely affect the underlying asset value, also affecting the structured product price.
5·The futures contracts outstanding must be settled by delivery of the underlying asset or by cash on the last trading day.
6·This suggests that more information is needed on banks’ exposures across borders and the concentration in underlying asset classes.
7·This suggests that more information is needed on Banks' exposures across borders and the concentration in underlying asset classes.
8·Suppose that underlying asset follows Constant Elasticity of Variance model(CEV). We derive pricing formula of binary option.
假设 标的股价服从不变方差弹性(CEV)模型下,推导出两值期权的定价公式。
9·Binary option is also an exotic option, its value depends on whether the price of underlying asset is higher than strike price.
10·This suggests that more information is needed on Banks 'exposures across borders and the concentration in underlying asset classes.