1·Ultra low amplifier noise.
2·If you're in the market for a toilet, buy a low-volume, ultra low-volume, or dual-flush model.
3·It introduces a space environment simulator control system used to realize ultra low temperature and high vacuum.
4·These plastic bags allowed, among other things, economical ultra low temperature freezing of Blood and Blood products.
5·Libya's crude is a perfect feed for ultra low sulphur [sic] diesel. The oil Saudi Arabia would supply to replace, it is not.
6·If you're in the market for a toilet, buy a low-volume, ultra low-volume, or dual-flush model. (Read Green Guide's "toilet Buying Guide.")
7·The situation is about to get a little more complicated with the arrival of CULV (Consumer Ultra Low Voltage) systems such as the Acer Timeline range.
随着消费级超低电压(Consumer UL tra Low Voltage, CULV)系统的面世(如宏基的Timeline系列),情况会变得更加复杂。
8·Ultra low noise operation, the operation of the process is almost no sound, fully in line with national environmental standards, can be placed indoors.
9·Their digital elevation model will have myriad USES, from helping military jets fly ultra low to showing relief workers where an earthquake's damage is worst.
10·The new ultra-low emission zone (Ulez) is likely to be a big issue in next year's mayoral election.