1·Ultra bright LED instead of light bulb, working life over 100 thousand hours.
2·Ultra bright solar 1w LED flashlight for recreation, camping, and general use.
超亮太阳能1w LED电筒,可用于休闲、野营及普通使用等等。
3·When it's too bright, we can't make it either, coz we're easily dazzled and blinded by the visual impact of ultra brightness.
4·Ultra bright LED is cold light source, can avoid hot bulb burn oral mucosa, The effect is better than the existing import anesthesia laryngoscope.
5·Five full channel strips let you easily get your hands on your mix, while bright 12-segment stereo meters allow for ultra-accurate metering.
6·Units can be constructed from a single alarm channel to a maximum of 128 channels, in any format, with ultra-bright LED illumination as standard and with a choice of two window sizes and six colours.
7·UV 2 seconds, according to dry, ultra-bright white, can be used to paint can be used for French A, unloaded within a minute.
UV 2分钟照干后,超白闪亮,可用来彩绘亦可用于法式甲,一分钟内可卸。
8·LED 30 seconds, according to dry, ultra-bright white, can be used to paint can be used for French a, unloaded within a minute.
LED 30秒钟照干后,超白闪亮,可用来彩绘亦可用于法式甲,一分钟内可卸。
9·Based on the practical projects, authors present that the concrete with ultra-high content of fly ash has better working performance and bright application future.
10·They even had their own factory for making ultra-bright and sharp CRT tubes.