1·For tactical challenges — like setting up accounting systems or unplugging a manufacturing bottleneck — turn to an outside consultant with specific expertise in the area in question.
2·Lines outside of stores generate press, which in turn generates more interest and more sales.
3·The find adds to the case that chunks of matter got pushed outside the known universe shortly after the big bang-which in turn hints that our universe is part of something larger: a multiverse.
4·Hermann kept a well-equipped tool shed at the back of our small garden. I go outside into the blackness, and turn on my flashlight only when I am in the windowless shed.
5·You had to be a careful reader of "The world in figures" section to spot that Greece's fiscal deficit could turn critical or that Ireland faced an outside chance of default.
6·As soon as you get up in the morning, go outside and turn your face to the sun for 15 minutes.
7·Today, she sees her son running among the male and female poets, journalists and visitors who have come in from the outside, while she awaits her turn to share her writings.
8·That may in turn produce social unrest and since the unpopular policies are imposed from the outside turn public opinion against the European Union.
9·In turn, those inside require visual contact with the outside world.
10·The outside world will continuously stimulate the process, and the process itself, I believe, will someday in turn influence the outside world.