1·Does the thawing process has some kind of trigger as well?
2·If so, it skips the validation process by using the WHEN clause in the trigger body.
3·For example, an external client can trigger a process in the application; it can pacify the application or stop it, shown in Listing 3.
例如,外部客户端可以触发应用程序中的流程;它还可以使应用程序结束处理或停止,如 清单 3 中所示。
4·The cancellation action is regarded as an inbound message that can trigger the event handler of the process scope.
5·Handlers for those events might, in turn, trigger another service or process — or trigger the creation of one or more derived events.
6·These buttons can be used as a signal so that a user can trigger an activity or business process.
7·Urban signaling is an interesting phenomenon because it suggests that appearances trigger a process that converts inferences into reality.
8·Additionally, a process must exist to trigger the creation of a proposal, guide the maturation of it, and ultimately to make a decision to commission or authorize the start of the project.
9·Define an event to trigger the process.
10·This process uses an outbound message WSDL—a process similar to configuring a trigger on a database.
这个过程使用了一个出站消息 WSDL — 类似于在数据库上配置一个触发器的过程。