1·When Alex Lee drives through a toll booth he gets RM20.
2·There's something in his eye that says there's magic in his toll booth.
3·Toll booth operators and cashiers: People who work in the transactional space shouldn't be big fans of the Apple Watch or Apple Pay.
4·If you have ever gone through a toll booth, you know that your relationship to the person in the booth is not the most intimate you'll ever have.
5·With the function of inspection spot surveillance, applied to city red light rush enforcement, city traffic crossroads, highway toll booth and ramp entrance.
6·That's because the rise of wearable technology and mobile payment systems may make jobs like toll booth operator and grocery store cashier virtually obsolete.
7·That 's because the rise of wearable technology and mobile payment systems may make jobs like toll booth operator and grocery store cashier virtually obsolete.
8·In the booth, security booth, highway toll booths, road turns, parking shed, parking locks, canopy, transportation facilities, specialized engineering companies.
9·I asked myself, what is the most mind-numbing, pedestrian job conceivable and three answers came to mind: Toll booth attendant, Apple Store Genius and what Penny does.
10·I think we Changting the traffic police to do the same, in the city do better than 1:00, the engaging foreigners, in response to the revenue, much better than the toll booth!