1·Having no breakfast will throw the normal work of our digestive system into confusion.
2·Perhaps some of our readers may ask here, whether in course of time these disturbances will become so great as to throw our whole solar system into confusion?
3·Having no breakfast will throw the normal work of our digestive system into confusion. As a result, it will do harm to our health.
4·If social conservatives were to coalesce around Mr Huckabee, that would throw the Republican primaries into utter confusion.
5·Once these defects exist on the bricks, they will seriously affect the progress and quality of the building's construction and throw the project into confusion.
6·We picked off the officers first, so as to throw the attack into confusion.
7·The different colors from the default ones will throw them into confusion.
8·For international business school students caught up in the confusion surrounding the travel ban, the effect has been to throw their studies and employment prospects into doubt.
9·The astral configuration may throw you into a state of confusion about someone special. You may feel overwhelmed by emotions that are sweeping you toward an inevitable conclusion.
10·I will dress in bright and cheery colors, and so throw my enemies into confusion.
我会打扮的光鲜亮丽, 充满活力, 让我的敌人迷惑不已。