1·The annual throughput capacity of berth was firstly computed using design criteria for an enlarged oil wharf.
2·The mirror database is required for staging operations to improve the throughput capacity of synchronization requests.
3·The mathematical model has been established for the effect of temperature on settling velocity and throughput capacity of a thickener.
4·Even though closely spaced parallel approaches increase the throughput capacity, an optimal taxiway layout is necessary to minimize gate-runway time and reduce incursions.
5·Based on the analysis of the factors affecting port throughput capacity and calculation of throughput of port, the effective means of improving port throughput capacity are put forward.
6·Since conventional screw classifiers have a lower efficiency, it is difficult for them to control their product sizes, affecting directly ball mill's throughput capacity and final separation results.
7·Implement an early, end-to-end technical prototype, test its performance and throughput, and refine capacity estimates.
8·At the end of the day, there still needs to be adequate underlying physical CPU capacity to meet response time and throughput requirements when partitioning CPUs.
9·Managed threads within an application server execute transactional workload and, therefore, directly impact the server's overall capacity and throughput.
10·We have capacity and capability, do we have throughput?