1·The 5-day method will reflect a 5-day moving average of applicable terminal market prices adjusted by applicable county differential and terminal adjustments.
2·To drive a point, small army was about to get up at 2 o 'clock with employee before dawn, it is to go to terminal market to purchase first, it is to arrange next, clean, classification, bale.
3·The 30-day method will reflect a 30-day moving average of all terminal market prices for the crop, adjusted by the difference between the applicable national loan rate and the county loan rate.
4·Just at this time people understand "You will win only at the terminal market", it is much urgent for every company in the field to build and manage its terminals and make progress in its marketing.
5·But the direct broadcast satellite terminal in the production process will inevitably have redundant products on the market, and its technical parameters also appeared.
6·Running one of the freely available Terminal programs found in the Android Market allows you to run a shell session on the Android phone itself.
运行Android Market免费提供的Terminal程序将允许您在Android手机中运行一个shell会话。