1·By following the fossils, Smith was able to put all the strata of England's earth into relative temporal sequence.
2·Novels and poems are read in a prescribed temporal sequence, whereas a picture has no clear place at which to start viewing, or at which to finish.
3·The fallacy of arguing from temporal sequence to a causal relation.
4·So on the one hand — temporal sequence — first you know Ruth, you meet Ruth, you get to know Ruth.
5·The fact that one event is concerned with another indicates the temporal sequence among the events.
6·Which order is used is decided by principles of temporal sequence, semantic constraints, anaphora and salience.
7·But here it is arranged in temporal sequence, thus giving us a concrete view of the man and his relation to this society.
8·This paper intends to deal with the cognitive features of sentential order from the two angles of temporal sequence and spatial sequence.
9·In this animated model, different conformational states are lined up as a temporal sequence as they would occur during rotation of the central shaft.
10·For pragmatics, the topic is S_1P_1 and the statement is P in natural language, which embodies the principle of temporal sequence in Cognize Linguistics.
从语用上看,自然语序中S_1P_1 是话题,P 是述题,这也体现了认知语言学中的时间顺序原则。