1·How to Write a Good English Technical Paper for Publication?
2·Fruit nursery paper is a kind of agricultural technical paper.
3·You can download the XJ manual and a technical paper (presented at WWW 2005).
您可以下载XJ手册和一篇技术论文(位于WWW 2005)。
4·Technical paper classification of all technical documents and files, number and place on file.
5·Fruit Raising Pouch was widely utilized in agriculture as a kind of agricultural technical paper.
6·Several styles of scientific and technical paper abstracts are introduced to help young people to write an abstract.
7·This paper analyzes common mistakes in the English abstract of scientific and technical paper, and gives the ways to solve them.
8·"Ozone Treatment of Cooling Water: Results of a Full-Scale Performance Evaluation," Cooling Tower Institute Technical Paper No. TP89-07.
“冷却的水新鲜的空气治疗:一实物大小的表现评估的结果,”冷却塔创立技术上的纸tp89 - 07号。
9·Additionally, prepare a 1-2 page non-technical paper for the airlines to use in their press conferences concerning their plan for future searches.
另外,准备一个1 - 2页的非技术文件,为航空公司在其新闻发布会就用自己规划未来的搜索。
10·Additionally, prepare a 1-2 page non-technical paper for the airlines to use in their press conferences concerning their plan for future searches.
另外,准备一个1 - 2页的非技术论文,为航空公司在其新闻发布会提出自己未来的搜寻计划。