1·The higher the price of gold, silver, copper, oil and agricultural foodstuffs - the higher the tax on consumption must be.
2·Suddenly, a debate on raising Japan’s consumption tax—at 5%, the lowest in the rich world—has vaulted to the centre of a national election campaign.
3·Suddenly, a debate on raising Japan's consumption tax—at 5%, the lowest in the rich world—has vaulted to the centre of a national election campaign.
4·In the event, they have settled for banning sales of drink for less than the tax paid on it (alcohol duty, plus VAT, a consumption tax).
5·European governments already rely more on consumption taxes than other rich countries do, and some are raising their rates of value-added tax.
6·The main rate of VAT, a consumption tax, went up from 17.5% to 20% on January 4th; deep public spending cuts get under way in April.
7·The study suggests that shifting tax revenues from income to consumption and property taxes could have a significant impact on GDP per head.
8·For instance, an increase in consumption would benefit Florida, which gets the bulk of its revenues from a sales tax, more than Oregon, which relies chiefly on income tax.
9·On the one hand, two newspapers reported this week that more people favour a higher consumption tax than are against it.
10·To strengthen purchasing power and to stimulate consumption, tax cuts on low - and medium-income households are essential.