1·The pit cover should be sealed over with tar paper or plastic.
2·The paper analyzes the problem in separating oil tar by the mechanize trough. It raises the concrete transform plan, which gains the well economic efficiency in reality.
3·This paper proposed to use coal tar and other processed products instead of partial heavy oil for float glass plants and analyzed related market supply, economic and technical feasibility.
4·This paper gave an example of anatomy and study of unknown compound in black tar.
5·This paper described the preparations for substituting heavy oil by coal tar. It pointed out the problems from coal tar and advanced the reasons and the measures.
6·The kinetics of mesophase formation from two sorts of coal tar pitch with different primary QI content is studied in this paper. The kinetic parameters are determined.
7·The main objective of this paper is study on catalytic removal of tar.
8·The acidic coal tar from rude benzene refining is always the problem of the coking factory, this paper summed up whose comprehensive utilization in new method and new process.
9·The commercial trial verified that the cigarette paper made of poplar pulp can be substituted for the imported product, and the demand of reducing the tar can be realized.
10·The experiment on purifying the coal tar by the centrifugal settling method is described in this paper.