take poll



1·Take the poll and let us know. Feel free to share your reasons why in the comments.


2·Take the controversial poll at the end of this article to see where you fit in!


3·People owning dogs are more likely to take exercises than those having none, according to a recent poll of Mars Petcare, a pet food company.

一家名为Mars Petcare的宠物食品公司最近的一项调查显示,有狗狗的人比没有的人更有可能锻炼身体。

4·In a recent Trip Advisor poll of almost 1, 700 Americans, 22 percent said they opted to take shorter vacations of two-to-four days due to finances and six percent said it was due to vacation time.


5·On the other hand, 20-somethings only manage one evening out a week, catch up with three PALS and take two short breaks, according to the findings based on a poll of 4,000 people between 18 and 75.


6·Every party had to take part on August 14th, but each had only one candidate, so the exercise turned into a gigantic opinion poll in which 78% of the electorate voted.


7·Take a straw poll of your friends and we guarantee that you will find no consensus.


8·In real life: According to a poll we took of 500 women, over half said that if you were to shy away from them in public, they'd take it personally.


9·A Lowy poll this week found that 72% of those questioned thought Australia should take action to reduce carbon emissions before a global deal is reached.


10·When I cover my eyes, could you take a poll and tell me how many have you read today's reading including yourself?
