switching out



1·Indeed, investors were switching out of shares and into fixed income in the wake of the dotcom bubble.


2·You can achieve this functionality by using hidden tags with the content, then switching out their visibility.


3·As we lean into meatless eating — switching out more and more meat meals for meatless meals — we end up feeling better, both physically and ethically.


4·The former switching out for power consumption limitation used in China was a kind of emergency measures to deal with power shortage and was an abnormal operation.


5·But European emissions overall are not falling, which suggests there may not be as much switching out of coal, or as much technological innovation, as had been hoped.


6·Thiol-SAMMS can also recover precious metals such as copper and gold, and researchers are now switching out the sulfur for other atoms so that it could mop up radioactive waste.

Thiol-SAMMS也能还原像铜和金这样的贵重金属。 研究人员现在正试图用其他原子代替硫,如此一来这种粉末就能去除放射性废弃物了。

7·You can change the default messages by creating your own message.properties file and switching out the message resource bundle in the faces context for the specified locale, as shown in Figure 15.

通过创建自己的message . properties文件并断开指定场所的faces上下文中绑定的消息资源,您可以更改默认消息,如图15所示。

8·Do you remember switching the lights off before we came out?


—— 《牛津词典》

9·Mr Lagardère has the right to veto any such move and recently said that switching to a standard corporate structure was out of the question.


10·Specific to virtualization, the KVM additions add support for nested paging and x86 hardware task switching. ZDNet also points out.

具体到虚拟化,K VM新增了对嵌套分页和x86硬件任务切换的支持。