1·Switching cost" in telecommunication service field leads to the phenomenon of "custom locked in".
2·Besides, we explore if switching cost have the positive moderating effects on relationship between trust and relationship continuity.
3·Based on current customer loyalty theory, this paper proposes a multiple linear-control model between switching cost and customer loyalty.
4·The empirical analysis reveals that website service quality, psychology cost, and switching cost significantly affect online retailer loyalty.
5·Meanwhile, switching cost plays a moderating role in these relations of which the moderating strength is more obvious than that of the former.
6·This paper studies how switching cost and compatibility decisions affect the critical mass of the new product with network effects based on a strategic diffusion model.
7·The result shows that, customer value, service factor, switching cost, customer satisfaction, customer trust and customer commitment are the determinants of customer loyalty;
8·However, the Internet has essentially driven switching costs to zero, and consumers increasingly decide to do business with whichever firm is able to provide the best cost for the best service.
9·These factors are positively influence customer loyalty, and also positively influence and customer satisfaction and relation for to customer satisfaction, relationship trust and switching cost.
10·The result shows that company reputation, anticipated collaboration income, the degree of resource devotion and switching cost are the four influential factors of supply chain collaboration trust.