1·Scientists at Raytheon have been working on an exoskeleton to give its user super strength like that of the Hulk.
2·Anaerobic, super strength, medium viscosity, good resistant to chemicals and no corrosion.
3·For example, scientists at Raytheon (RTN) have been working on an exoskeleton to give its user super strength like that of the Hulk.
4·The Wide Seat Shows Super Strength and Generosity Though It's Deep and Profound as a Whole. This is an Art More Than an Technology;
5·Made of super strength high speed steel with 4 precisely ground edges make it an efficient, accurate and long lasting tool for mortising.
6·Powers are just what they sound like-superhuman abilities such as super-strength and the ability to fly.
7·So you can have a super-streamlined version or a super-industrial-strength version, but what you want to support is up to you.
8·If you do use coffee, just use what would be considered regular strength coffee in America, not something super concentrated like espresso.
9·Liquid crystalline polymer has the highest strength and modulus. Nowadays it is well known as super engineering plastics.
10·The strength and stability analysis of Super-high arch DAMS built in conditions of complex topography and geology is an important subject in arch dam design and research.