


1·The words suffixed with a curve are boldfaced in the printing.


2·By default, xqeodp.config.xml will be suffixed by "-example".

默认情况下,xqeodp . config . xml将具有后缀—example。

3·The port names between the first one and the last one are suffixed by "_".


4·Note that Publish WSDL shows two WSDL files, one of which is suffixed with Extended.

请注意,Publish WSDL显示了两个WSDL文件,其中一个以Extended作为后缀。

5·The last port name is composed of the instance name, prefixed with "DB2_" and suffixed by "_end".

最后一个端口名由实例名加上前缀“ DB 2 _ ”和后缀“ _ END ”得到。

6·The instructions are suffixed by b, w, or l, depending on whether the operand is a byte, word, or long.

根据操作数是字节 (byte)、字 (word) 还是长型 (long),指令的后缀可以是 b、w 或 l。

7·Static libraries in UNIX systems follow a naming convention, where lib is prefixed and.a is suffixed to the library name.

在UNIX系统中,静态库遵循一种命名规范,使用lib作为前缀,而使用. a作为库名的后缀。

8·Revisions are numbered sequentially starting from 1 and are suffixed each time a chain of development diverges or branches.


9·By studying the properties of second specie of Chbyshev polynomial, a group of identities and an inference of the second specie odd-suffixed Chebyshev polyinomials are obtained.


10·To achieve this, without requiring multiple logins for the different user role in each of Web 2.0 applications, the tags can be suffixed or prefixed with a unique user identifier.

为了实现此目的,不同的用户角色不需要在每个 Web 2.0 应用程序中多次登录,而是可以给标记添加一个唯一用户标识符作为后缀或前缀。