1·Student tutors feel upset when their teachable students fail, but happy when these virtual pupils succeed as they derive pride and satisfaction from someone else's accomplishment.
2·I say this as someone who loves to see them succeed. I don't like any players failing. I wish every game ended 149-150.
我这么说是希望看到他们成功,不想看到任何人失败。我巴不得每场比赛都是149 - 150结束。
3·I say this as someone who loves to see them succeed. I don't like any players failing.
4·It's lonely at the top, so if your boss sees you as someone who wants them to succeed, you stand out.
5·Developing leaders is not easy: there is no guarantee that promoting someone who excels in their job will succeed as a leader.
6·The difference between a successful person and someone struggling can be as simple as a mindset switch to believe that they will succeed.