1·Cases of human infection with H5N1 have frequently been linked to the home slaughter and subsequent handling of diseased or dead birds prior to cooking.
2·By means of the function, the access capability and subsequent handling ability of data are both enhanced in system and the transportability of data is increased.
3·Combing the characteristics of process of chlorine and hydrogen treatment and the influences on the subsequent handling, the main risk was analysed and the safety measures were put forward.
4·Subsequent discussion of this topic is oriented around error handling considerations that apply to these three phases.
5·More information about handling failed events will be provided in a subsequent article within this series.
6·Faults and error handling are covered in more detail in a subsequent article in this series.
7·This handler is responsible for processing the timeout situation and handling it with the correct subsequent TCAP messaging and, if necessary, terminating the call.
8·Handling subsequent changes to an application in production.
9·Existing customers must pay considerably more to continue to run the same product with the subsequent version, and they don't get any improvement in terms of the load-handling ability.
10·The Reception Supervisor is directly responsible for handling telephone inquiries, guest arrivals and the subsequent input into the computer system.