sub funds



1·Significantly, most of its funds showed positive returns in the July to September quarter when many hedge funds were suffering from the effects of the sub-prime fallout.


2·Also at No 78 is John Paulson, who has made millions for his funds over the past year by betting against sub-prime assets.

同样排在第78位的还有在过去几年中通过与次贷资产周旋而为自己的基金赢得上百万的John Paulson。

3·We are hearing that central Banks and sovereign wealth funds are eager buyers. We might think they are crazy and we believe that sovereign debt will be to Europe what sub-prime loans were to the US.


4·Article 21 If a sub-distributor ceases to handle the business of offering and selling offshore funds, it shall immediately notify the master agent.

第21条 销售机构终止办理境外基金之募集及销售业务者,应即通知总代理人。

5·Critics of business and business education leap on such findings to say that this explains Enron, dodgy hedge funds and crooked sub-prime mortgage lenders.


6·Second, we should raise money for multi-faceted, and effective management to ensure that each sub-funds can be used where most needed.
