1·We'll make more statistics available to you so you can analyze your user base, and over time we hope to make it easier for you to manage, build, and release localized plugins.
2·The correct policy response is not to punish the media for reporting the rumours, but instead to ensure that the processes and safeguards around the release of statistics are tightened.
3·The following statistics come from a 2005 American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery News Release
4·After a press release, the PV data can be tracked, usually once every 5 minutes and Statistics.
5·Still too frequently in China, rumours about statistics circulate for several days before their official release.
6·The statistics office will release a breakdown of second - quarter gross domestic product on Sept. 2.
7·We update our economic outlook continuously, as we evaluate the underlying data and assumptions with each release of new economic statistics.
8·The cancer Society did not release cancer death data broken down by state, race or ethnicity. Those statistics are to be completed later this year.
9·The character in a variety of adverse reactions leading to cancer statistics, shall not release the repressed emotions of people, can easily suffer from lung cancer.
10·Supervise the operation of tourist economy and take charge of tourist statistics and release of trade information.