1·The Constitutional principles that Washington alone has the power to "establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization" and that federal laws precede state laws are noncontroversial.
2·State legislatures, including Virginia's, have passed laws that enhance punishments for gang-related crimes and establish "gang-free zones" around public high schools.
3·Mental health affects the individual's ability to function, to be productive, to establish and maintain positive relationships, and to experience a state of well-being.
4·This article discussed how to modify our Calculator service sample to establish it as a subscription service for notification of any changes in its state (the value of total).
5·You can create a StateCode lookup relationship to establish a static mapping between the state full names and codes.
6·It aims to establish a forum for researchers to share ideas, collaborate, network and shape the state-of-the-art in this field.
7·The team must be willing to pioneer through the Discover and Plan phases to establish the state of the enterprise and map out a strategy for its transformation.
8·China would like to establish one economic and trade cooperation zone with each ASEAN member state within five years.
9·The State shall establish production bases of commodity grain and commodity cotton in a planned way.
10·Besides fighting for their survival, these Alawi tribes and figures may under certain circumstances retreat into their historical Nusayri mountain and hinterland and establish a DE facto Alawi state.