1·But the Standard Chartered survey shows 2011 wages rising by 9% to 15%.
2·Standard Chartered bank reckons the two economies will both grow at 8.5%.
3·In November Standard Chartered forecast that it will happen by 2020.
而渣打(Standard Chartered)在今年十一月预测,这一赶超年份可能是2020年。
4·Standard Chartered thinks that GDP growth will dip to 5% in 2009, well below its recent 9% pace.
5·The program’s first two banking partners will be Standard Chartered Bank and Standard Bank, South Africa.
6·HSBC executives privately question the risk that Standard Chartered, which has outpaced it in Asia, is taking.
7·The broad-money supply grew last year at an annual rate of 15-40% in GCC countries, according to Standard Chartered.
8·Standard Chartered has concentrated mainly on emerging markets for two decades but has recently changed its approach.
9·Standard Chartered forecasts that emerging Asia will grow by an average of 6.4% in 2008, down from 7.8% in 2007.
Standard Chartered 预测,亚洲新兴市场平均增长由2007年的7.8%下降到2008年的6.4%。
10·Two of Britain’s best-known banks, HSBC and Standard Chartered, would probably relocate to Asia to avoid being broken up.