1·We are now ready to put the pork reserve into the market to stabilize prices.
2·Pigs are so important in China that the nation boasts a strategic pork reserve to stabilize prices.
3·Expanded production, or a reduction of waste and diversion, will drive down prices and encourage the accumulation of food inventories, which will stabilize prices.
4·When grain prices surged in 2007, most countries had reduced their public grain reserves to almost zero, and so lacked the means to stabilize the grain market.
5·If external factors, specifically commodity prices, stabilize, then it is possible that the Bank’s gradualist strategy will work.
6·Regulators also could be preoccupied with other measures to curb property prices, they said, and waiting for prices to stabilize before issuing new rules.
7·Carmakers that had to slash prices to get rid of costly inventory at the turn of the year may now be in a position to revert to pre-discount prices as inventory levels stabilize.
8·Reporting a 32% rise in net profit last year, it forecast a mixed picture this year, with selling prices likely to 'stabilize.'
该公司宣布去年净利润增长32%,但它对今年业绩的预期却喜忧参半。 万科预计,房屋销售价格有可能“保持稳定”。
9·The cost will be determined by how quickly the economy recovers, and how quickly housing prices stabilize.
10·However, those measures haven't helped stabilize share prices, and analysts said Wednesday's moves aren't likely to rally stocks.