1·As a shortcut for sorting the list containing the selected cells in ascending order, click the sort ascending button.
2·For example, there is no need for sort ascending and descending if users never access the view; all it does is add to the size.
3·To switch from ascending or descending sort to custom sort, click sort ascending or sort descending on the PivotTable toolbar so that the button is not selected.
4·This implementation allows the user to specify the sort order and direction (ascending or descending) as parameters for the report.
5·Column sorting is an option that allows users to sort columns in a view ascending, descending, or both.
6·The values of a column are considered to be in an ascending sort order, and in regular row intervals, the corresponding values are determined.
7·Hide the first column in the view, sort it ascending, and categorize it.
8·Finally, although you can already add a new activity, you want to remove the unscheduled activities and re-sort the list in ascending order.
9·Click a column heading to sort the table in ascending or descending order.
10·The first column contains a sort arrow that shows that the column can be sorted in ascending order, but it is not currently sorted.