1·It extend credit on soft terms.
2·With the soft terms of the letter of credit the buyer can also cheat the seller's margin, pledge payment, performance payments, issuing fees.
3·Therefore, only we identify soft terms belonging to letters of credit and take corresponding preventive measures, only this we can avoid unnecessary losses.
4·I suggest using the terms "current limit" and "upper limit" for process limits (never using the terms "soft" and "hard") so there's no confusion.
5·According to Nafang Daily, sales of herbal tea will hit 12m tons this year, overtaking Coca-Cola as the No 1 soft drink in the world in terms of sales volume.
6·The pulse is differentiated in terms of depth (superficial or deep), speed ( rapid or slow), strength (forceful or weak), shape ( thick or thready, soft or hard) and rhythm.
7·In terms of soft power, we are also strong, because we are advocating nonviolence.
8·Such soft tissue balancing, albeit minor in most cases, does seem important particularly in the early phases of flexion in terms of allowing the patella to engage well upon the prosthetic trochlea.
9·Generated mechanism on intensity of deep mixing pile of calcium lime, validity and applied terms of reinforcing soft soil foundation are treated of.
10·However, the increase in letters of credit were soft in terms of the results of another document that is in line with the initiative entirely in the hands of the buyer.