1·Mothers, the researchers warned, will continue to shoulder the burden of childcare and housework for the next four decades, largely because housework such as cleaning and cooking is still regarded as "women's work".
2·But it also benefits emerging rivals such as China and India, which shoulder none of the burden of serving as the world's policeman.
3·Like any cartel, it exists to protect its members from market retribution, and only the police power of the state can make us shoulder that burden.
4·No single nation can or should shoulder the burden for managing or resolving the world's armed conflicts.
5·And this time there is no escaping by finding yet another buyer willing to shoulder its entire burden.
6·Neither did he flinch from warning the Japanese that they may have to shoulder a heavier burden (ie, pay higher taxes) because of the nation’s budgetary and debt problems.
7·If piracy falls within the jurisdiction of the international court, states will not need to shoulder the burden of prosecution alone.
8·In theory, any nation can shoulder the burden of prosecution.
9·We can dissociate from them, regarding them as tragically broken persons, and hope we are humane enough to shoulder the burden of meeting their basic needs.
10·The SNCF boss also indicated that the taxpayer would have to shoulder the financial burden of a high-speed network in the UK.