1·Shooting Angle with the main emphasis. It should be noted, does not apply extreme Angle of depression or elevation.
2·The camerist arrange a seat for her where is the best shooting angle, so she was putting off her coat slowly is very hot on the internet.
3·Looping and swooping, the photographer constantly changed his shooting Angle to capture the best view of his buddy. The shooting process lasted for nearly one hour.
4·In handball matches, to choice the reasonable shooting area and to control the shooting Angle and the scoring chance to finish shooting are the important factors for improving shooting percentage.
5·The simulation results showed that this algorithm improves the identification speed greatly and realizes the control of shooting Angle for the high speed vidicon, so as to track the target real time.
6·When you are in any Angle can into the ball, you can't stop shooting!
7·Shooting from a building slightly above the aspens made for an unusual Angle for glowing gold autumn colors.
8·When shooting grids, the camera should be placed an Angle that is not perpendicular to the grid pattern, so the captured image contains two definite vanishing points.
9·Photo Tip: Get creative with macro photography by shooting the subject from an unexpected Angle.
10·Ultimately shooting macro is easier than wide angle, so it's a good place to start focusing your energy.