setter on

n. 攻击者;教唆者


1·Why is it illegal to have a private setter on an explicit getter-only interface implementation?


2·The eastern Chinese city of Wenzhou produces more cigarette lighters and spectacles than anywhere on earth, and has long been seen as an economic trend-setter for the entire country.


3·In the update model values phase, the setter methods on the CD are invoked with the converted and validated values stored in the GUI components.


4·The NYSE has recently embarked on a round of acquisitions and collaborative deals in an effort to become a trend-setter in technology as well as globalisation.


5·An unemployed jewellery setter has taken to combing the streets of New York with a pair of tweezers to cash in on dropped gems and gold.


6·Method chaining works best for the creation of simple data objects, yet here I'm using it both for the setter methods on Appointment and in AppointmentCalendar to start the method chain.


7·The error occurs because I'm trying to call the toString() method on the appointment instance before the rest of the fluent-interface setter methods are called.

出现错误的原因在于,我试图在连贯接口 setter 方法被调用之前调用 appointment 实例上的 toString() 方法。

8·In this case, you might lack setter methods to modify field properties and, instead, rely on constructors to set these values.


9·You can then view the run time exceptions created when you attempt to execute the setter methods on the EJB.


10·I have taken the simplest and most expedient route and explicitly set the user ID and password using setter methods on the CallbackHandler.


更新时间:2025-03-27 21:23