1·Won the 3, the 5 main. In addition, in twenty-four games senior group also won the championship, the game.
2·Far from a kind of charity they once were, senior citizen discounts have become a formidable economic privilege to a group with millions of members who don't need them.
3·My Senior Management Team is an exceptional group of talented managers and devoted international public servants who it has been an honor to have as friends and colleagues.
4·The senior program and project managers, together with members of the internal software process group, rather easily reached consensus: Use the set of readiness checklists the method provides.
5·PC maker Lenovo Group will axe 200 jobs at its headquarters in Beijing and the move will affect senior executives, Caijing magazine reported recently.
6·The control group consisted of 17 senior managers from the private and public sectors, matched for age, intelligence and social background with the entrepreneurs.
7·“They imply some kind of core problem,” said Thomas B. Cochran, a senior scientist in the nuclear program of the Natural Resources Defense Council, a private group in Washington.
8·Bruce Watzman, senior vice President for regulatory affairs at the National Mining Association, an industry group, urged the committee not to impose increased regulation.
9·The 1k community serves as a focus group for the airline, she says, and members are given monthly access to the carrier's senior executives.
1 K社区作为美联航的一个焦点群体,其会员每个月都有机会接触该公司的高级管理人员。
10·“I’m extremely pleased with what’s been happening, ” said Michael B. McElroy, an atmospheric scientist at Harvard University and a senior member of the group.
“我对目前出现的进展感到非常高兴,” 哈佛大学的大气科学家迈克尔·麦克罗伊表示。 他同时也是该团队的高级成员。