1·One day we must come to see that peace is not merely a distant goal we seek, but that it is a means by which we arrive at that goal.
2·As just illustrated, men tend to focus on facts and seek immediate resolutions; action is the conversational goal.
3·One goal this year is to call for local and international partnerships that will seek to improve health through efforts to stabilize climate change.
4·The goal is to seek purification by trudging round the mountain on a route that is physically demanding but brings spiritual reward.
5·An intrinsically valuable activity is an ongoing activity that does not seek to achieve an external goal: it is a never-ending process.
6·This relationship is sometimes called 1nf, or 1st normal form, and according to the rules of normalization, it's the goal that you seek.
7·Love is a Universal emotion, the goal we all seek, the prize that can make our lives complete and whole.
8·Their space program's overarching goal would be to "seek out new life," as TV's Captain Kirk so succinctly put it 45 years ago.
9·These professionals assist clients with planning and goal-setting and manage their progress as they seek a new career.
10·A wise man of practice should not act for the fame and seek for a certain goal by intrigue or other means.